The VQCC has developed a simple, self-evaluating, and low-cost quantum random number generator True random number generation is crucial for achieving tamper-proof cryptographic solutions, among other applications. True randomness can only be achieved by devices that operate under the laws of quantum mechanics, which is complicated by the fact that these are still very incipient …
The VQCC has developed a simple, self-evaluating, and low-cost quantum random number generator Read
VQCC hackers test quantum communications to design protocols immune to the most sophisticated attacks Pushing quantum communication systems to the limit over and over again. Such is the mission of quantum hackers at the service of science, experts capable of designing attacks on the most secure communication exchange protocols in our history in order to …
International Quantum Business Conference, 9 – 10 October 2024 Santiago de Compostela, Agenda Fujitsu in collaboration with Cesga, and the regional government of Galicia, organize the International Quantum Business Conference, to shape the future of quantum. The event aims to be a discussion forum for both technical and executive profiles, among providers, customers, researchers and …
O físico Klaus von Klitzing, Premio Nobel de Física en 1985, estará en Compostela o 12 de setembro convidado polo programa ConCiencia que dirixe o catedrático da USC, Jorge Mira. Ese día, ás 19.30 horas no Salón Nobre de Fonseca, o actual director do Instituto Max Planck para a investigación en estado sólido, con sede …
O Premio Nobel de Física Klaus von Klitzing visitará Compostela o 12 de setembro
Quantum computing is a field with incredible potential to solve fundamental limitations of classical computing, as well as provide a way for scientists to simulate complex quantum systems. Current technological implementations require further improvements in quality and scalability in order for the field to reach its full potential. IQM Quantum Computers has developed universal gate-based …
Seminar: “Towards quantum advantage on the cloud: benchmarking a 20 qubit quantum computer” Read
Del 2 a 6 de septiembre se celebra en Vigo el 14th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography, QCrypt, un evento que, por primera vez en su historia, se realiza en España. Organizado por la Universidad de Vigo y el Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia, Cesga, participan en esta cita 330 especialistas, la inmensa mayoría internacionales. …
14th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography, QCrypt Read More »