Galicia Quantum Technologies Hub

Expression of Interest in quantum computing technology ideas and potential capabilities

Background information

CESGA is participating in the Galicia Quantum Technology Hub, an ambitious initiative promoted by Xunta de Galicia for the development of the Galician Ecosystem in the area of Quantum information technology, with a special emphasis on quantum computing and quantum communications.

CESGA is interested in exploring ideas and potential capabilities within the Galician ecosystem that can drive the development of Galician quantum computing capabilities and infrastructure. CESGA is especially interested in those promising technologies (that might not be well developed yet) on which there is an opportunity for Galicia to become a relevant actor in the mid and long-term. Examples of activities that fit in the expected interests are, but not limited to, research and development of quantum computers and quantum simulators, quantum computing testbeds, R&D laboratories oriented to hardware and software quantum technologies, etc.

For this purpose, CESGA  is launching a call for Expression of interest (EOI).

Purpose of the EOI call

The purpose of the EOI is to allow researchers, innovators, and institutions (public or private) with ambitious and impactful ideas to share information with CESGA. This information will help to identify key initiatives and establish strategic collaborations that can help to further develop the quantum computing ecosystem in Galicia. To facilitate this process, an external national or international expert assessment will be conducted. This assessment will enable CESGA to identify proposals that demonstrate research excellence and a high capability to achieve their stated objectives.

Who may express interest

The interested entities in leading a project must meet at least one of the following eligibility criteria:

  • Be an organization (public or private) of any size that is registered in Galicia or has a registered office in Galicia with activity in R&D.

  • A consortium formed by European public and/or private organizations with activity in R&D (with at least one organization from Galicia), in which the proposed activity is to be developed in Galicia.

How to apply

Interested parties are requested to submit an EOI form using the provided Response Form template. The template is linked below and should be sent by email as follows:

Email address: qceoi[AT]cesga[DOT]es

Each file should meet the following requirements:

  • File Format: pdf
  • File names must be maximum 30 characters long and must not contain any letter or special character other than from Latin alphabet/keyboard.
  • All files must be free of viruses and not corrupted.
  • Max. file size per transmission: 10MB
  • Mandatory subject of email: EOI Quantum Computing – [Name of the proposal]


The deadline for submission of proposals is the 21st of  June of 2024.

Proposal content

In order to be analyzed properly, the proposals should  include, at least, the following information:

  • Title
  • Objectives
  • Activity description (Quantum Computing technology involved, etc.)
  • Expected results
  • Group/consortia needed to achieve success (Organizations/persons involved in the project, previous experiences related to the activity, etc.)
  • Relevance/impact (scientific, technical, industry and society, etc.)
  • Resources needed and budget (Material, personnel, subcontracting, other, etc.)
  • Timeline

The proposals should be a PDF document written in English.

Inquiries and Clarifications

For any inquiries or requests for clarifications, interested parties may contact via email to qceoi[AT]cesga[DOT]es  (subject of email: EOI Quantum Computing – Inquiry)

All inquiries must be made before 18th of June of 2024.

Terms and conditions

  • This notice does not constitute a solicitation of a binding offer.

  • Submitting a reply to this notice does not automatically guarantee the receipt of an invitation to submit any follow-up solicitation documents.

  • Your expression of interest will only be considered if it contains all of the information and documentation required in the Response Form.

  • CESGA reserves the right to require compliance with additional conditions when issuing additional follow-up notices.

  • CESGA reserves the right to change or cancel the requirement at any time during the EOI and/or solicitation process, without any obligation to inform the interested organisations of the grounds for CESGA’s action. 

  • Proposal submitters have no compromise to commit any work or budget for the realization of the activity proposed.

Response form template:


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