Galicia Quantum Technologies Hub

Category: News

Qulacs programming workshop

El Taller está dirigido a investigadores en el campo de la computación cuántica que quieran probar sus algoritmos en un emulador eficiente, usando modelos con o sin ruido. Cubrirá aspectos básicos como el tipo de simulaciones soportadas, características soportadas en función del tipo de simulación, ejecución en paralelo para maximizar

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World Quantum Day – April 14th 2024

O CGAC e o CESGA colaboran nun proxecto co obxectivo de profundar no vínculo entre arte e ciencia. O programa de actividades, promovido desde o Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia (CESGA), coa colaboración do Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías (IGFAE), inclúe, entre outras actividades, a exposición dunha peza

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Salto Cuántico & O ollo e a máquina

CESGA e CGAC colaboran para achegar arte e tecnoloxías cuánticas a través dun programa de actividades. A primeira destas actividades é un ciclo de cinema, “O ollo e a máquina”, un percorrido narrativo, histórico, estético e científico pola sociedade occidental no século XX a través do concepto de computación e

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Installation of opticaltables in VQCC laboratories

On February 2024 we have received some optical tables that have been installed in the Quantum Hacking & certification Lab. Further optical tables will be received soon to continue equipping all the labs in the center. Hereby we show a few pictures of the installation.

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Quantum Chess

I Torneo de Quantum Chess

O mércores 21 de febreiro ás 16:30h terá lugar o I Torneo de Quantum Chess na Facultade de Física da Universidade de Santiago. No torneo participarán centros de Ensino Secundario de Santiago. Cada equipo estará formado por catro estudantes de cada centro. Fujitsu, como patrocinador do evento, achega un portátil

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Quantum Spain Seminar: Algorithmic ideas

Speaker: José Ignacio Latorre The Centre for Quantum Technologies (CQT) at the National University of Singapore Progress in quantum algorithms needs critical revisiting of three relevant steps: encoding, processing and read-out. Here, we limit ourselves to discuss some ideas related to expressibility of a quantum circuit, and of compressed encoding

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NEASQC webinar: The NEASQC Benchmark Suite

Date: 23 January 2024Time: 11:00-12:00 CET The NEASQC Benchmark Suite Abstract: One of the objectives of the NEASQC project was to put together an application-centric benchmark suite that would guide hardware development efforts, in particular those of the Quantum Technology Flagship, by providing scalable and hardware-independent mechanisms to assess and

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Qmio App

New Qmio App

A new application for mobile devices is available to discover Qmio quantum computer in Augmented Reality. The app can be used within the CESGA or anywhere, using AR technology. CESGA developed this application with the collaboration of Kendra S. L. This app allows exploring the interior of Qmio and understanding

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Inauguración Qmio

Qmio, the new galician Quantum Computer

The Regional Minister of Economy, Industry and Innovation, María Jesús Lorenzana, inaugurated today at the Galician Supercomputing Center (Cesga) the most powerful quantum computer (32 cubits) installed in a public R&D&I institution in southern Europe.

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