Galicia Quantum Technologies Hub

Quantum computer of 32 Qubits for the CESGA

  • The Xunta de Galicia, through the Galician Innovation Agency, finances this infrastructure, which will be put into operation this year at the Galician Supercomputing Center.
  • The Galician Government thus reinforces its commitment to the digital transition of the productive system and to having the best research infrastructures.
  • The contract with Fujitsu includes the creation of the International Center of Excellence in Quantum Technologies in Galicia.
  • The initiative is part of the Galician Quantum Technologies Pole, in which investments of more than 30 million euros are already underway and which contributes to attracting and retaining talent, with more than thirty jobs generated.
  • The objective is to position the Community at the forefront of this emerging technology, which has applications in medicine, the environment, biotechnology, aeronautics, the automotive industry, logistics, telecommunications, and finance.
  • It will make it possible to increase security in data transmission, plan better routes or schedule production, and promote energy efficiency.

The Galician Supercomputing Center (Cesga) hires Fujitsu for 13.9 million euros for one of the first quantum computers in Europe, which will be the most powerful in Spain and which will constitute the central infrastructure of the quantum technologies Pole that is driving the Galician Government, with the aim of placing Galicia at the forefront in this field, supporting the innovative ecosystem and attracting research talent.

The regional government of Galicia, Xunta de Galicia, finances this investment through the Galician Innovation Agency, GAIN, as part of its commitment to the digital transition of the productive system and to have the best research infrastructures. The computer, which will be open to research and innovation from all academic and business sectors, complements the investment in the FinisTerrae III supercomputer, to which 7.5 million euros were allocated.

The acquisition of the quantum computer is part of the Galician Quantum Technologies Pole, in which investments of more than 30 million euros are already underway, generating more than thirty jobs, and with which a total investment of 150 million euros in the coming years.

The tender, with funds from the React EU program of the European Regional Development Fund, ERDF Galicia 2014-2020 operating program, was opened in July 2022. The offer presented by Fujitsu includes, in addition to the 32-qubit computer based on superconductor technology, different complementary infrastructures and a collaboration plan that will facilitate the promotion of the Galician Quantum Technologies Pole through the creation of the International Center of Excellence in Quantum Technologies in Galicia.

Thus, Fujitsu will collaborate with Galician universities in the training and retention of talent; it will develop specific training plans for universities and companies and will develop R&D projects jointly with other Galician entities. The company will also activate an R&D program in quantum computing; it will promote training grants and develop use cases with companies. A consultancy project will also be carried out to identify the industries that can benefit most from this technology.

Likewise, Fujitsu will organize an international event on quantum technologies in Galicia every year and will create a minimum of five new direct jobs.

Quantum technologies will act as the disruptive element that will accelerate economic development in practically all sectors, giving rise to innumerable applications and advances in medicine, the environment, biotechnology, aeronautics, automotive, logistics, telecommunications, and finance, among others. These advances, which will have a great impact on society, are related to the potential capacity and processing speed of quantum computers, capable of solving computational problems in a short time compared to classical supercomputers.

Strategic for all productive sectors

Thus, these emerging technologies will make it possible to improve security in data transmission; help understand the structure and behaviour of molecules and materials; solving optimization problems such as planning better routes, scheduling production and resource allocation in a factory; or planning production to improve energy efficiency, among others.

The new quantum computer, within the framework of the Galicia Quantum Technologies Pole, will allow the Galician research, development, and innovation ecosystem to be positioned at the forefront of innovative technology, attract and retain talent, attract research projects, attract more national and international financing and create new market niches in the Galician business sector. This infrastructure will allow the creation of a research community around quantum computing that will lead to advances in these technologies and provide a competitive advantage.

Galicia acquires the most powerful quantum computer in Spain and one of the first in Europe for €13,9M.
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