Galicia Quantum Technologies Hub

Tag: Quantum Computing

TalentQ Seminar | Diego Andrade

diciembre 3 @ 16:00 – 17:00     Speaker: Diego Andrade Canosa Abstract: Benchmarking Quantum Computers is required to objectively evaluate these platforms’ performance, stressing their capabilities and leading the evolution of the hardware platforms. Some approaches work at the hardware level and are not necessarily linked to any practical application,

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World Quantum Day – April 14th 2024

O CGAC e o CESGA colaboran nun proxecto co obxectivo de profundar no vínculo entre arte e ciencia. O programa de actividades, promovido desde o Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia (CESGA), coa colaboración do Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías (IGFAE), inclúe, entre outras actividades, a exposición dunha peza

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Quantum Chess

I Torneo de Quantum Chess

O mércores 21 de febreiro ás 16:30h terá lugar o I Torneo de Quantum Chess na Facultade de Física da Universidade de Santiago. No torneo participarán centros de Ensino Secundario de Santiago. Cada equipo estará formado por catro estudantes de cada centro. Fujitsu, como patrocinador do evento, achega un portátil

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Quantum Spain Seminar: Algorithmic ideas

Speaker: José Ignacio Latorre The Centre for Quantum Technologies (CQT) at the National University of Singapore Progress in quantum algorithms needs critical revisiting of three relevant steps: encoding, processing and read-out. Here, we limit ourselves to discuss some ideas related to expressibility of a quantum circuit, and of compressed encoding

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Qmio App

New Qmio App

A new application for mobile devices is available to discover Qmio quantum computer in Augmented Reality. The app can be used within the CESGA or anywhere, using AR technology. CESGA developed this application with the collaboration of Kendra S. L. This app allows exploring the interior of Qmio and understanding

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