CESGA projects Spain’s longest quantum highway Quantum key distribution promises to revolutionize communications security thanks to the invulnerability that the laws of quantum mechanics confer on the exchange of information. Applying this technology over long distances is a scientific and technological challenge to which CESGA, in collaboration with VQCC, contributes by deploying the longest quantum …
CESGA investigates new quantum algorithms and tests them by making the QMIO and FinisTerrae III work together The coexistence between quantum and classical computers is the only possible formula, at least for the time being, to make the most of the quantum advantages in the current technological environment. More capacity, more speed, and greater efficiency …
CESGA investigates new quantum algorithms and tests them by making the QMIO and FinisTerrae
CiTIUS designs new language tools to facilitate quantum computer programming The development of user-friendly languages that allow programmers to communicate with quantum computers in an accessible way is one of the decisive factors for the deployment of the full potential of these technologies. CiTIUS is working on a compiler for distributed quantum systems and all …
CiTIUS designs new language tools to facilitate quantum computer programming Read More »
CiTIUS develops protocols and a new programming language to make it easier for quantum and classical computers to work together As long as quantum computers remain small, they have to operate jointly through distributed systems to deliver good results. What seems clear is that working alone or in groups, they will coexist in the long …
CiTIUS develops protocols and a new programming language to make it easier for quantum
IGFAE experiments with quantum teleportation of information to open new doors to future cryptography The paradox of quantum technologies as the greatest threat and, at the same time, the only solution to guarantee the security of communications in the future is a huge and exciting field of research for the scientific community. Teleportation or quantum …
IGFAE experiments with quantum teleportation of information to open new doors to future cryptography
VQCC explores perfect communication security by distributing quantum keys with imperfect devices There is a huge paradox in quantum technology: it poses the most formidable threat to our cybersecurity as we know it, while at the same time, it is the only technology capable of guaranteeing perfect security in digital communications. The Vigo Quantum Communication …