Galicia Quantum Technologies Hub

Author: Dpto. Promoción

USC Quantum Computing Workshop

USC Quantum Computing Workshop

An introductory workshop with a focus on practical applications related to search and optimization problems. It consists of 3 Friday afternoon sessions on February 28, February 7 and March 14, 2025 from 15:00 to 19:30, and a full day Haqathon on Friday March 21, 2025 from 9:30:00 till 20:00 to

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TalentQ Seminar | Diego Andrade

diciembre 3 @ 16:00 – 17:00     Speaker: Diego Andrade Canosa Abstract: Benchmarking Quantum Computers is required to objectively evaluate these platforms’ performance, stressing their capabilities and leading the evolution of the hardware platforms. Some approaches work at the hardware level and are not necessarily linked to any practical application,

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Guillermo Díaz - Partitioning quantum algorithms

CESGA researches algorithm partitioning to help design the programming of future quantum computers

CESGA researches algorithm partitioning to help design the programming of future quantum computers Quantum computers are still small and error-prone, but the scientific community is already preparing for a scenario with large, sophisticated machines or networks of small, well-connected (or, in quantum jargon, entangled) machines. Partitioning quantum algorithms, which chops

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David Barral - Quantum highway

CESGA projects Spain’s longest quantum highway

CESGA projects Spain’s longest quantum highway Quantum key distribution promises to revolutionize communications security thanks to the invulnerability that the laws of quantum mechanics confer on the exchange of information. Applying this technology over long distances is a scientific and technological challenge to which CESGA, in collaboration with VQCC, contributes

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